The Best Photo Editing Apps

We live in the generation of Instagram. It’s no secret that the key to a good Instagram is a good edit. Obviously, there are other factors that play into having a good Instagram, but filters and edits play a big part. I wanted to create a post to share with you guys my top three apps to edit Instagram pictures. I’ve tried a few different apps over the years and I’ve narrowed it down to my top three, must have apps for editing photos. Get ready to have an amazing feed!

1. VSCO – VSCO is nothing new. If you’re into Instagram, you know about VSCO. It’s a photo editing app that offers a variety of free filters and filters for purchase. The app is completely free to download. Aside from the filters, they offer a variety of editing tools like exposure, contrast, sharpen, and so much more. Some of my favorite filters are A5, A6, HB1, and HB2. I’ll usually play around with the exposure and always make sure to sharpen the picture, to make it really stand out.


2. Snapseed – Snapseed is a newer photo editing app for me. It’s definitely underrated and I think everyone should have this one! There are a variety of different filters and tools that they offer to perfect your image. My favorite filters are the Grainy Film filters and I also will use the Tune Image feature. This app offers tools for any type of Instagram feed and style.


3. Afterlight – This is an app that a lot of people have been using on Instagram lately. You may have noticed the “dusty” look on a lot of pictures, it’s Afterlight. This app also has a lot of filters and editing tools to play around with. I’ve been using this one lately to achieve that “dusty” and “vintage” look on some of my Instagram pictures. I recommend this one if you want to spice up your Insta feed.


I want to be able to share any tips and tricks that I have with you guys, and so I thought this post was long overdue! I hope you enjoyed learning about some of my favorite photo editing apps and how I work towards achieving an Instagram feed. My feed is definitely not perfect… it’s a work in progress. However, these apps have helped immensely!


Let me know in the comments below some of your favorite apps, filters, or your approach to editing for Instagram!




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  1. Denise Gawley
    February 18, 2018 / 8:20 pm

    Iā€™m gonna try these!!!

    • Gigi Trends
      February 19, 2018 / 10:37 am

      Yay! Let me know what you think šŸ™‚