Five Thoughts + Advice | #2

Welcome back to Gigi Trends! I’m back with another Five Thoughts + Advice post and I’m so excited to share some tips and updates with all of you. Let’s jump right in to this week’s post…


#1: Don’t be scared of change / Change = Growth

Honestly, this relates to lots of things going on in my life right now. I’m currently in the process of interviewing for jobs, working to clear up my skin, and basically just establishing myself here in California. There has been a lot of change happening in my life just in the past three months. It’s wild how things in life can change so quickly, and it can be hard to adjust. I guess something I’ve realized is that change is good, and we shouldn’t be scared of it. Change means growth. With that being said, it’s never too late to change something in your life. Oftentimes it’s the fear of the unknown that holds us back, so my little piece of advice is to go with the flow and just accept it. It’s great to be comfortable, but if you’re not making changes, you aren’t growing.


#2: Health is wealth

That sounds corny, I know. But it’s true. Take your vitamins, go to a doctor if you’re not feeling well, exercise, and make healthy eating a priority. Lately, I’ve been trying to stick to healthy eating during the week and allowing myself to indulge on the weekends. It’s all about balance. I love cooking, so making meals at home is fun for me. I’m excited to start posting some recipes on the blog for you guys (stay tuned). Overall, taking even the smallest step to better your health helps immensely.


#3: Do something new & take advantage of what your city has to offer

In LA this is something that’s super easy, but you can do this no matter where you live. For example, I went to my first Dodgers game last weekend and it was so fun to do something new. I’m the type of person to research new restaurants, shopping, and activities to do in my area. In my last Weekly Five, I suggested trying out a new workout class. Something new I want to do is explore the different beaches in LA and venture out into a new city. Exploring a new area or activity is always fun. You never know, you might make a new friend or find a new hobby that you love.


#4: Trying out a new regimen for my skin

Acne is something I’ve struggled with for years, I’m sure this won’t be the first time that I talk about this on the blog. I’ve tried so many different things to help my skin, but nothing seems to work long term. After a lot of research, I found a great skincare clinic in Santa Monica. They specialize in the treatment of acne, which is perfect for me. I just started trying out the products this week and we were able to come up with a plan moving forward. This goes along with my idea of it never being too late to make a change. Lots of things in life take trial and error, especially when it comes to skin problems. I have good feelings about this new place and I can’t wait to update you guys on the process and how it works!


#5: Self-care Sunday 

This can definitely be a whole blog post within itself, but since it’s Sunday, I thought it’d be fun to share some of my favorite Self-care Sunday Tips. Here are a few things you could do on a Sunday to take care of yourself and make sure you’re prepared for the week ahead:

  • Plan out meals for the week: This is perfect if you want to start eating healthy but might feel overwhelmed. I like to write out some meal ideas for the week in the notes section on my phone. This helps so that you have some ideas and you can buy the ingredients in advance.
  • Take a bath, read a book, or do something that calms you down: Pretty self explanatory. Whatever it is that helps you relax, do that.
  • Clean your space to start fresh for the week ahead: A clean space means a clear mind and a fresh start for your Monday.


I hope you guys enjoyed this post! Let me know some of your thoughts and plans for this week. <3


Xo, Gigi

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