How to Jumpstart Your Healthy Lifestyle

Everyone goes through phases with health and nutrition. Whether you just got back from a long vacation, or simply had a bad weekend of eating and consuming too much wine… you might just need a little jumpstart to get back into the swing of things. In today’s post, I wanted to share some tips I use to jumpstart my healthy lifestyle. Food, supplements, workouts, mental health… this post is going to be filled with lots of goodness. Let’s get into it…


Get in your probiotics

Probiotics are amazing and necessary for great gut health. Gut health is something I am super passionate about. I’d love to do a whole post dedicated to it if you guys are interested! Why I’m so passionate about it, long story short (for now), is because I’ve dealt with leaky gut in the past. Leaky gut leads to things like bloating and fatigue. Basically, it’s what happens when your gut health is out of whack. It can happen when you’re eating foods that you’re sensitive to. I’ve gone through a whole process with a naturopathic doctor to do food sensitivity testing, hormone testing, etc. After going through this process, I started to get really into health and nutrition. I learned A LOT from the naturopathic doctor and going through this process with my diagnosis. One huge takeaway is that probiotics are incredibly important for your overall well being. 

You can take a supplemental probiotic, or you can eat fermented foods. Things like kombucha, sauerkraut, and kimchi contain probiotics. I take a supplemental probiotic but I also consume these foods often.


Wear a cute workout set

If you look good, you feel good. I am a huge fan of matching workout sets! My absolute favorite brand at the moment is Set Active. They have the perfect matching sets that you can wear casually out and about or for your workouts. I LIVE in my Onyx leggings and ribbed v bra. This set is flattering and makes me feel good about getting in a sweat sesh for the day.


Find a realistic diet plan that works for you

Emphasis on the “realistic” please. There are SO many different types of diets out there, it can be extremely overwhelming. I’ve tried many times to confine myself to one specific diet and find it to be really stressful mentally. The “diet” I try my best to follow is gluten-free and dairy-free. The reason for this is because when I got my food sensitivity testing done, we found out that I was most sensitive to dairy and gluten (and eggs). So, I KNOW for a fact that my body isn’t going to react greatly when I eat these foods. I find that I truly do feel my best when I limit foods that contain dairy and gluten. This can be different for everyone. If you know there are foods that make you feel crappy, try your best to limit them!

I love to watch “What I Eat In A Day” Youtube videos to get meal ideas. Also, buying a healthy recipe cookbook can help a lot with staying on a healthy track. I find that by having a bunch of healthy meal ideas readily available, it helps to not get sick of things. I am NOT the type of girl that can just do chicken and broccoli with rice everyday… that gets old quick. Be realistic, but get creative. Healthy food can be enjoyable and fun, plus it makes you feel great. You can watch my latest IGTV video to get healthy snack ideas here


Write out your goals and thoughts

Write down your WHY. Why do you want to start a healthy lifestyle? Why is it important for you to workout? Why do you want to eat a certain way? 

Once you know your why, it’s easier to start. You know your reason for doing what you’re doing and you can always look back on this as a motivational reminder. Second part of this is keeping track of your thoughts on a regular basis. I find that if I’m struggling mentally, I slack off on my diet and workouts. I try to do this once a week, just to check in with myself. If you’re good mentally, you’ll be on the right track towards a successful healthy lifestyle.


Remember, a healthy lifestyle doesn’t just mean being physically fit. Being healthy is your OVERALL well being. The entirety of you. 

I hope you found this informative and helpful! I’m super passionate about health and wellness. I would love to talk about these topics more if it’s something you want to see! Feel free to leave a comment below and let me know 🙂


Xo, Gigi


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